A friend of mine told me that this weekend there was going to be a classic car show at the Johnny Carson Park in Burbank, so we decided to check it out. Before we left, I called my dad, who lives in Austin, TX and told him we were going. He asked me to take some pictures because he loves classic cars.
So we got there and it was a beautiful day. We walked past a few of the cars and noticed that a man was speaking into a microphone and was announcing different winners and handing out trophies. So I pulled out my cell phone and began filming it.
We then began to walk around the whole park looking at cars. There were a lot of them and they were all really cool. I’m pretty sure I took a picture of ever car there. When we got to one car, I saw that the man had a trophy, so I asked if I could film him talking about what he had won. I told him that I’d upload it to YouTube and to just search the name of the event.
When I got home, I decided to make a little video of the whole event for my dad. I also wanted to show others that for a small fee, a high-end professional video could be made for your business or for an event such as this. If I knew that the people who put this event on were paying me, I would’ve filmed so much more. Like getting coverage of the car of gentleman who I interviewed, so while he was speaking about it, you would’ve seen various angles of it. I would’ve also filmed more establishing shots and interviewed more people talking about how cool the event was. I still think it came out great and worthy of sharing.
That’s why I came up with the concept of SAME DAY VIDEOS, which is a division of New River Entertainment. I feel that every business needs videos. It’s a way to bring your website to life. Most websites have a HOME page, and ABOUT US page, a SERVICES page, and a CONTACT US page. Each page of your web site should have a video on it, bringing the text that’s normally on there to life. Even if your business is really small and you don’t even have a web site, you can still have a professional video made and uploaded to YouTube, which can be added to your Yelp, Facebook and other social media pages.
Hey Dad, I hope you like the video! And if you happen to stumble upon this page/video, I hope you dig it too.